Delphine Durand is one of my favourite illustrators ever! There is not that much information about her on the Internet, but she does have a Blog (in French) and a great collection of drawings on Flickr
For me it all started from the rabbit above. I fell in love with him as soon as I saw him! So, I just had to buy "Big Rabbit's Bad Mood"! The illustrations are hilarious! And the story is so original and funny. And although the facial expression of the rabbit never changes, he is so full of character! Have a look:
And just like this I was hooked! Since then I have bought almost all Delphine's books and I really enjoyed each one of them! They are always full of quirky characters, brilliant stories, humour and fun! And here are some more illustrations from different books to prove it!
She is awesome! My baby and I really like her Home!!! The monsters so cute there.